Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Piece of News for 2N2

Dear students of 2N2,

There are 2 pieces of news. One Good. One NOT so GOOD.

THE Good news.

---There will be NO history CA test for you guys this coming week. Woohoooo!!!!

THE NOT so GOOD news.

---As with every subject, Final EXAMS are definitely a MUST. History SA (Final EXAM) is on the 6th of October 2008. Yes, it is true!

Study Chapters 6,7,8,9,10.

What am I going to do?

1. Revision
2. Extra Classes (IF you want to come)
3. Online revision

So....people...LET us work towards the FINAL GOAL. We will work hard together to get a good GRADE for everyone. On top of this, let us not forget to make lessons FUN and LIVELY whenever it is POSSIBLE.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

More on the History Test....

Dear Students,

The test paper that you will be having is NOT a killer. It is NOT difficult. Only the source based questions will be tough. If you have studied for the test, it is NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO GET FULL MARKS for the first 2 sections before the Source based questions.

For those who are in ACTIVE studying mode now....keep up the good effort. For those who are better stop your slacking and hit the textbooks!

Good luck everyone.

Here is some stuff for everyone to enjoy.....Probably you might want to throw rotten eggs at him...

Friday, September 5, 2008

History Class Test Dates

Dear SEC 1 Students,

Your history class test will be conducted on the first 2 days you come back from school. For 1E1 and 1E4, it will be on monday, 8/9/08. For 1E3, it will be 9/9/08. The test falls on your double periods.

Students, I know that having a test when you come back right after the holidays isn't very pleasant. However, you have been told to study for it a long long time ago and THERE IS NO EXCUSE.

Those who have submitted your NPPA to me, good for you. Your NPPA may help to increase your final test scores. Those who have not, too bad. I'm just going to take your scores from the test ONLY.

Please help to spread the news amongst everyone. Happy studying and Good Luck!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Time to Laugh?

Here's a video of a guy playing a prank over the phone.....Enjoy...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How to Memorise and Use History Facts Effectively!!!

Probably, it is true that many people dislike History as a subject because they are made to memorise facts, dates and the names of people and what they did etc etc etc..... actually sucks when you have to remember things. Especially dates!

I know it. I was once a student like you. But, unlike many people, I had almost NO trouble with facts, names and dates. You might wonder....why?

Well, there are 2 main reasons. First, I love history. I still do. Second, I found my style of memorising things since I was really really in primary school. It is this style of memorising that I applied to my study of history that made me the TOP student in History.

Now....I am imparting these techniques to you.

You better open your eyes and suck in all the information posted here. YOU WILL BENEFIT FOR YOUR TESTS, EXAMS AND FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

There are 6 main types of styles for memorising anything.

1. Audio style (memorises by sound)
2. Visual style (memorises by seeing)
3. Kinetic style (memorises by movement/actions)
4. Audio & Visual style (memorises by seeing and hearing things)
5. Audio and Kinetic style (memorises by hearing and remembering movements/actions)
6. Kinetic and Visual style (memorises by remembering movement/actions and also by seeing)


Take time to find out which style you belong to. Experiment. Once you have found out which is YOUR STYLE, try to follow my suggestions. Good luck!!!

1. Audio style

- People in this group will remember facts better by others telling them using their voice.

- People in this group have a habit of playing back in their head what they heard from the TEACHER or their FRIENDS.

Suggested way to study History for people with this style:

--- Read to yourself the fact, date or the name of the person in the history textbook.

--- Read at least 5 times to yourself when studying. During the test, your own voice will playback like a sound recorder to you in your head.

2. Visual style

- People in this group will remember facts better by seeing things, pictures or seeing certain words. Everything seems like a MOVIE to them.

- Students with this style will remember better when the teacher writes clearly or uses pictures to tell the facts.

Suggested way to study History for people with this style:

--- draw pictures associated with the facts. eg: Kautilya is the PM during the time when Chandragupta ruled. Draw his face and write his name.

--- keep writing a fact in a bigger size 5 times over and over again on a piece of paper. Eg: SINGAPORE BECAME INDEPENDENT ON 9TH AUGUST 1965. (WRITE THIS IN A BIG FONT ON A PIECE OF PAPER)

3. Kinetic style (movement and action)

- People who belong in this group tend to remember actions better than anything else.

- Students in this group will remember the dramatic actions of Mr. Mak when he is trying to tell students about something REAL that happened in the past (a fact).

Eg: The First Emperor of China was a cruel and harsh man. (Mr. Mak starts to look evil, takes an imaginary sword as if he is cutting off an enemy's head)

Due to the action I did, the student might remember this fact (that the First Emperor is cruel and harsh).

Suggested way to study History for those with this style:

--- While reading the textbook, perform actions when you see a fact. Eg: Pg 156, Sec 1 History Textbook, Mount Merapi erupted in 1006 CE.

--- after seeing this FACT, do an action that RELATES to it. Pretend you are the volcano that erupted in 1006 CE. Do this at least 3 times.

4. Audio & Visual style (memorises by seeing and hearing things)

- People in this group remember facts by seeing and hearing.

- Both the seeing and the hearing must be present for them to remember well.

- Whatever they saw and heard will playback in their heads like a movie during an exam or test.

Suggestions on how to study for those with such a style:

--- Read to yourself the fact, date or the name of the person in the history textbook. AT THE SAME TIME, WRITE OR DRAW in a bigger font the fact you read.

--- Do the two actions at the SAME TIME. REPEAT at least 5 times.

--- You will find it easier to remember.

5. Audio and Kinetic style (memorises by hearing and remembering movements/actions)

- The people in this group behave like Jackie Chan.

- They hear the facts from the teacher or their friends and perform the action at the SAME TIME to remember IT better.

Suggestions on how to study for those with such a style:

--- You perform the ACTION related to the FACT and SOUND must be added to it everytime you perform to yourself.

--- Eg: Pg 156, Sec 1 History Textbook. Mount Merapi erupted in 1006 CE. You pretend to be a volcano that erupts and tell yourself in your own words that Mount Merapi erupted in 1006 CE. Do this at least 5 times. The image and the sound will stay in your head.

Kinetic and Visual style (memorises by remembering movement/actions and also by seeing)

- Those who are in this group will find it easier to remember facts by seeing and then performing an action related to the fact.

- Eg: Mr. Mak says that Mount Merapi erupted in 1006 CE. He then pretends to be a volcano that erupts. He makes a movement that shows GUSHING LAVA from the volcano.

- The student will then see this. He/She may imitate what I DID and remember the FACT from there.

Suggestions on how to study for those with such a style:

--- For example: Pg 157 of Secondary 1 textbook says: Sultan Mahmud did not allow the Portuguese to trade in Melaka when they arrived in 1509 CE.

--- Pretend to be the Sultan. Do the action of refusing the Portuguese their right to trade. Say to yourself that in the year 1509...."I, Mahmud Shah, Sultan of Melaka, hereby in the year 1509 say to you the Portuguese that you are not allowed to trade here!!!!" Do the hand gestures (actions) and the angry face!!!!

--- This act should be repeated 3 times. The image and action will replay in your head during the test or exam.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Simplified Approach to Answering the Much Feared Source Based Questions (SBQs)


Answering the much feared source based questions is pretty SIMPLE. Why? This is another take on the SBQs.

When it comes to inference (thinking and concluding with the facts) style questions, give me a fact and explain.


When it is a 5 marks question, give me 2 facts and 2 explanations.

Fact And Explain...... F&E.

Let us look at an example below.

Source A: IMAGINE that it is a picture of Qin Shihuang treating and torturing the people harshly......

Source B:

Emperor Qin Shihuang was afraid of death. He consulted magicians for potions that would prolong his life. Believing that a magic plant that could prolong life existed at the bottom of the sea, he made hundreds of young children dive into the sea to search for this plant. Obviously, they drowned. He did not want to enter the next life alone. As such, he was buried with an 'army' of terracotta soldiers and horses.

[Source: Andrew Major, The Living Past, Times Media Private Limited: 2000]

Sample Questions:

1. Examine Source B. What does the source tell you about Qin Shihuang's character? (4 marks)

2. Compare Source A (imagined picture of harsh treatment) and B. How does the evidence in Source B confirm what is happening in Source A.

So how do you answer the above?????

Good Answers for Qns 1 and 2

1. Other than being afraid of death (This is the FACT), which showed that he was a coward, Qin Shihuang was a cruel and harsh man (This is the EXPLANATION). He made children die searching for what he wanted (This is the FACT) . He had no compassion or mercy. This also shows that he was a selfish person. (This is the EXPLANATION)

Qin Shihuang needed a large terracotta army to protect him (This is the FACT) in this death because he was afraid of being lonely. (This is the EXPLANATION)

The above answer guarantees you FULL marks.

As for Question 2. Think of it yourself! Hahahahaha.