Friday, September 5, 2008

History Class Test Dates

Dear SEC 1 Students,

Your history class test will be conducted on the first 2 days you come back from school. For 1E1 and 1E4, it will be on monday, 8/9/08. For 1E3, it will be 9/9/08. The test falls on your double periods.

Students, I know that having a test when you come back right after the holidays isn't very pleasant. However, you have been told to study for it a long long time ago and THERE IS NO EXCUSE.

Those who have submitted your NPPA to me, good for you. Your NPPA may help to increase your final test scores. Those who have not, too bad. I'm just going to take your scores from the test ONLY.

Please help to spread the news amongst everyone. Happy studying and Good Luck!

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