Friday, August 29, 2008

Blogging will resume only on 2nd Sept 08

Hello People,

I hope that everyone is having a nice holiday. At the same time, I hope everyone have been doing their revision. Well, students need a break. Teachers too!!! Therefore, I will not be posting anything during the weekend as I am somewhere in the planet they call Earth, having a short holiday!!!

See y'all soon yah?

Mr. Mak

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back in the Blogging Action

Hello students!

Mr. Mak has been busy with marking and with the 'O' Levels Oral Examinations recently. That is why I have not been able to update my blog. Worry not! I have some very IMPORTANT news for all my HISTORY students.

First, there will be updates on my blog to help you revise for your upcoming history test in Term 4 which is AFTER the September one week holidays. For those who do NOT have internet access at home, go to your friend's place. For those who have it, go online and read my blog. NO EXCUSES.

Second, your history NPPA is due soon. It is due on this THURSDAY 28 of AUGUST 2008. For those who do not know how to do it, here are the details.

1. You are given 3 issues to deal with.
2. Chose only 1.
3. Imagine a situation connected with the issue you have chosen.
4. Tell me.....HOW did it happen? When did it happen? What actually happened? Who were involved?
5. TELL ME....What are you going to do to SOLVE the problem???

DATES, Time and Characters in your story can be FAKE. But, you must be able to keep to the point. No need for nice and fancy artwork. I want only creativity and original work.

Some of you have requested for the video about the First Emperor of China. Here it is BELOW!!!!!

Part 1

Part 2

As for the can get it from YouTube. Type in The First Emperor: the man who made China. and you will get the rest!!!!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

History in Action: Inflation in Singapore


What's that?

Ok...imagine today a plate of Nasi Padang or Char Kway Teow costs $4.00. A week later, it costs you $4.50. Inflation is the INCREASE OF THE PRICES of all goods and services NOT only your food.

So yes....Singapore is facing an inflation problem now. Inflation will hit 7.5% this year.

BUT BUT BUT....WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS? Ok....inflation is not new in Singapore. We have a HISTORY of inflation.

During the Japanese Occupation in Singapore, the prices of goods rose. For eg: 0.6 kg of rice cost $75 in Dec 1945 and it was only $8.50 the PREVIOUS year!!!!! The Japanese even issued Banana notes which had no real value and it made things worse!

Japanese Occupation....

In the early 1970s, the oil crisis caused Singaporeans to panic. There was a stocking up of food supplies by merchants. Inflation rose to double digit figures.

We are facing a similiar situation compared to the 1970s because of high oil prices.

Obama Proposing some solutions or IS he protectionist? You decide.

However, this time around, we are ready to deal with it because of a strong and diversified economy and incorrupt government. Read MM Lee's comments and assurance on this matter in

If IF IF....You cannot stand the rising are some places to go for cheap cheap good good food (makan)

Some things for everyone to think about....

1. What is the COMMON factor amongst the 3 situations?

2. What is the DIFFERENCE?

3. Do you think we can effectively tackle the problem of inflation NOW?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More on Inferring for Source Based Questions!!!

Okay people....

Inferring is not a smart guess!!! I is NOT a smart guess.

Let us go into something deeper here.

Why do people infer? Since when did this inferring thing start?

People infer for a very important reason.

That is to arrive at a most logical (makes most sense) conclusion (judgement).

And if you do wonder when this started. Well, since a long long time ago. It dates back to the days when men began to talk. The art of infering as we know of it today developed from famous Greek philosophers and thinkers such as Socrates and Plato.

In philosophy, arriving at a most logical conclusion about a certain event is called the art of logical deduction. This is a part of critical thinking in philosophy.


A. Ah Ming rides a scooter to work
B. Ah Ming takes the MRT to work.
C. Ah Ming drives his father's car to work.


What are the possible conclusions?

1. Ah Ming refers to 3 different people in a different spaces and times. They are not related.
2. Ah Ming uses all 3 modes of transport on different days.
3. Ah Ming may ride a scooter to work if he leaves early or drive his father's car. If there is a traffic jam, he takes the MRT ONLY.
4. Ah Ming's father does not allow him or lend him the car everyday, therefore, depending on the situation, he uses the scooter or takes the MRT.

So, which one is MOST TRUE (makes the most sense)???

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Singapore's History in Action

Dear Students especially my students from 2N2,

Below are some videos of how Singapore was like in the OLD days. YES....OLD days...You and I were not born yet. Our parents were young and innocent small boys and girls then...and our favourite friend, LKY was a young and dynamic person.


LKY videos of people working and sweating at Boat Quay. You and I are lucky we don't have to do that nowadays...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

My First Posting on this Blog

Hi everyone,

This is one of my first few tries at blogging. you all know by now...Mr. Mak is quite a computer "idiot" knows me, I dunno the computer. Anyway, that is gonna change. I'm learning new stuff now and and and and and YOU!

This is a history blog meant for my history classes, 1E1, 1E3, 1E4 and 2N2.

This is an attempt to make YOUR history learning more fun, easier.

You can find different history resources here and it can help you understand better.

Boring??? NO NO NO...never. With me around....hahaha....that is going to become a word of the past!

And you...yes YOU...that fella over there....Please don't dig your NOSE! Thanks.

Ok now....we shall try to answer a very very very lame question. Why study history?

I'll tell you the boring answer first.

"The study of history helps us understand why things the way they are today. We have to learn from past successes and failures. On top of this, we learn to understand and respect each other using lessons of the past. Finally, the study of history, we develop our critical thinking skills."

BORING. 5 year old kid can repeat to me. You can repeat to me. You know what it means???

A better way of explaining.....USING AN EXAMPLE...

Johnny loves BMX bikes. Johnny is 14 this year. His friends has nice BMX bikes. He doesn't have one. Johnny is jealous. He decides to steal a BMX bike.

His first steal was a success. Brand new BMX bike. He kept stealing and sold the parts off to others and bike shops. One fine day, he was off to do the USUAL stealing.

Unknowingly, police had tracked him down and followed him because too many BMX bikes have been stolen recently. He was caught when he tried to steal again. Police told him he will be charged for stealing.

Simple story right? What do you see in this story?

1. Johnny was jealous of his friends. Why? He was not contented with what he had.

2. Johnny stole again and again. Why? He enjoyed the THRILL of stealing and getting away with IT.

3. Johnny does not have a bike. Why? He might be POOR...OR his parents are very STRICT and do not PAMPER him...or he is TOO EASILY INFLUENCED BY FRIENDS!

4. Crime does not PAY. Why? You GO TO JAIL LA and and...they torture you inside. Simple right?

NOW...the above example is HISTORY in ACTION!!!

From what Johnny did, we learnt LESSONS from the past. We learnt how to think DEEPER.

It is that SIMPLE....
Watch for my NEXT Entry....