Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More on Inferring for Source Based Questions!!!

Okay people....

Inferring is not a smart guess!!! I repeat...it is NOT a smart guess.

Let us go into something deeper here.

Why do people infer? Since when did this inferring thing start?

People infer for a very important reason.

That is to arrive at a most logical (makes most sense) conclusion (judgement).

And if you do wonder when this started. Well, since a long long time ago. It dates back to the days when men began to talk. The art of infering as we know of it today developed from famous Greek philosophers and thinkers such as Socrates and Plato.

In philosophy, arriving at a most logical conclusion about a certain event is called the art of logical deduction. This is a part of critical thinking in philosophy.


A. Ah Ming rides a scooter to work
B. Ah Ming takes the MRT to work.
C. Ah Ming drives his father's car to work.


What are the possible conclusions?

1. Ah Ming refers to 3 different people in a different spaces and times. They are not related.
2. Ah Ming uses all 3 modes of transport on different days.
3. Ah Ming may ride a scooter to work if he leaves early or drive his father's car. If there is a traffic jam, he takes the MRT ONLY.
4. Ah Ming's father does not allow him or lend him the car everyday, therefore, depending on the situation, he uses the scooter or takes the MRT.

So, which one is MOST TRUE (makes the most sense)???

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