Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back in the Blogging Action

Hello students!

Mr. Mak has been busy with marking and with the 'O' Levels Oral Examinations recently. That is why I have not been able to update my blog. Worry not! I have some very IMPORTANT news for all my HISTORY students.

First, there will be updates on my blog to help you revise for your upcoming history test in Term 4 which is AFTER the September one week holidays. For those who do NOT have internet access at home, go to your friend's place. For those who have it, go online and read my blog. NO EXCUSES.

Second, your history NPPA is due soon. It is due on this THURSDAY 28 of AUGUST 2008. For those who do not know how to do it, here are the details.

1. You are given 3 issues to deal with.
2. Chose only 1.
3. Imagine a situation connected with the issue you have chosen.
4. Tell me.....HOW did it happen? When did it happen? What actually happened? Who were involved?
5. TELL ME....What are you going to do to SOLVE the problem???

DATES, Time and Characters in your story can be FAKE. But, you must be able to keep to the point. No need for nice and fancy artwork. I want only creativity and original work.

Some of you have requested for the video about the First Emperor of China. Here it is BELOW!!!!!

Part 1

Part 2

As for the rest....you can get it from YouTube. Type in The First Emperor: the man who made China. and you will get the rest!!!!


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